Spain: Cathedral of Valencia Opens Eucharistic Jubilee Year with the True Chalice of the Passion



The Archdiocese of Valencia, Spain, encourages faithful to visit the “Chalice of the Passion”, the Chalice of the Lord’s Supper. 

Newsroom (August 23, 2021, 14:45 Gaudium Press) – Edgar Esteve, delegate of Liturgy of the Diocese of Valencia,  encourages all parishes and faithful, both from Valencia and the world, to participate in the Eucharistic Jubilee Year of the “Chalice of the Passion” by making the pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Valencia. Tradition tells us that it is the same Cup used by the Lord at the Last Supper for the institution of the Eucharist.

All the parishes “and all of us are invited to make a pilgrimage to the Chapel of the Holy Chalice to contemplate and pray before the relic of the Chalice of the Lord’s Supper and to be renewed in our faith and hope and encouraged in our Christian charity”, Esteve points out in a new video  in Spanish published in the Youtube channel of the Holy Chalice of Valencia.

“We are also invited -he notes-  to visit the places where the Eucharistic miracles that have enriched the spirituality and the Church in Valencia took place, places where the Eucharist has been manifested in a special way and which celebrate Jubilee Days on their feast days”.

This Jubilee Year of the Holy Chalice “invites us to go on pilgrimage to the city of Valencia, where there is spirituality, culture, art and tradition, together with the sacred relic of the Holy Chalice”, the delegate of Liturgy remarks adding  that the Jubilee Year “is not only for the Diocese of Valencia. It is a gift that Pope Francis has made for the universal Church, and therefore all the faithful of Valencia, Spain and the rest of the world are invited to gain the plenary indulgence by making a pilgrimage to the chapel where the Holy Chalice is venerated”.

The video is available, through this LINK on the official Youtube channel of The Holy Chalice of Valencia as well as on the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts of the Holy Chalice.

All the information about the pilgrimages, including  how to obtain the indulgence, materials that can be used and the location of the temples with Eucharistic miracles, can be consulted on the website

Visitors Access

Also, during the summer, the Cathedral is open from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays, from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During cultural visiting hours (from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm from Monday to Saturday, and Sundays and holidays, from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm) access is by ticket except for those who come for pilgrimage or prayer, who have free access. More information at

With Files from the Archdiocese of Valencia, Spain

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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