Our Lady of Fatima Will Travel Again in 2022

Our Lady of Fatima Will Travel Again in 2022

The Shrine of Fatima has announced that some trips are scheduled for the Pilgrim MTA (Mother Thrice Admirable) of Our Lady of Fatima for 2022

Newsroom (December 30, 2021, 5:06 PM, Gaudium Press) The Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Fatima will resume its travels in 2022.

In total, 14 destinations are planned to host the visit of a Pilgrim Image. They are Portugal, the United States, France, Nicaragua, Argentina, Italy, Chile, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Spain, and Colombia.

The Image will Preside Over Important Events Around the World

The United States will receive the Pilgrim MTA in Miami, on the occasion of a congress organized by the Servants of the Passed Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which will have the messages of Our Lady of Fatima as its theme.

France will receive one of the Pilgrim Images as a way to prepare for World Youth Day 2023 in Portugal.

Italy will receive Our Lady in the Marian month. In 2021, a trip to Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan was planned, but the pandemic prevented the event from taking place. The exact date for 2022 is not yet known, but these countries are planned on the agenda of the Shrine of Fatima.

Origin of the Pilgrimages

The idea of having a pilgrim image of Our Lady of Fatima dates back to the end of World War II.

A priest in Berlin proposed that an image of Our Lady of Fatima travel through the major capitals of Europe to the Russian border.

In 1946, a representative of the Catholic Women’s Youth adopted the idea, and in 1946, the image began its pilgrimage through the orb. Since then, the image has visited 64 countries. (FM)

Compiled by Sarah Gangl

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