The Catechism of the Catholic Church Turns 30


The current Catechism was definitively published in the apostolic letter Laetamur Magnopere, on August 15, 1992.

Newsroom (13/12/2022 09:29, Gaudium PressThe Catechism of the Church contains the basic truths, those in which we must believe, those that lead us to heaven.

On December 7, 1992, therefore 30 years ago, St. John Paul II presented the new edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “to set forth the contents of the faith in a manner consistent with biblical truth, the genuine tradition of the Church and, in particular, the teachings of the Second Vatican Council,” “in language more in tune with the needs of today’s world, the perennial Catholic truth.”

For six years, and through the work of a team of twelve cardinals and bishops, and an editing commission of seven diocesan bishops, experts in theology and catechesis, led by the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Ratzinger, the volume that serves as a guide for Catholics resulted, after papal blessing.

The Catechism is divided into four parts: The Profession of Faith, that is, the affirmation of the things we believe; The Celebration of the Christian Mystery, that is, the rites that arise from the torn side of Christ, and through which grace comes to us; Life in Christ, that is, the foundations of Christian morality and spirituality; and Christian Prayer, an entire section dedicated to our raising our minds to God. Nothing more essential.

The Origin

In 1985, the desire to establish a “point of reference” for catechetical proclamation was born, at the request of the Synod Fathers received by the Pope on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. The following year, in 1986, the work of the Committee and the Commission began, with the text approved by St. John Paul II on June 25, 1992, promulgated in the constitution Fidei depositum on the following October 11, and published definitively in the Apostolic Letter Laetamur Magnopere on August 15, 1992.

The Catechism – especially in these troubled times, when many Christians and even some pastors are sinking in the sea of confusing doctrines – constitutes a sure beacon to reach a good port. It should be more and more a book of reference, an instrument of analysis and apostolate.

The Catechism and the New Evangelisation

In 2020, the Bible in a Year podcast by Fr. Mike Schmidt became one of the top 3 podcasts in the United States, not just in its genre but overall.  In 2022, they will be releasing The Catechism in a Year Podcast following a similar format.  Each day, listeners will hear a section of the catechism followed by a reflection by Fr. Mike.  This is one of many efforts by different organizations to increase familiarity by Catholics and non to the richness of the Catechism.

With information from Infocatolica.
Compiled by C. Mittermeier

The post 30 anos da promulgação do Catecismo da Igreja Católica appeared first on Gaudium Press.

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