Portugal Legalizes Euthanasia


The Portuguese Parliament approved by euthanasia by absolute majority. There were 129 votes in favor and 81 against.

Newsroom(14/05/2023 16:05, Gaudium Press) The Parliament of Portugal approved the decriminalization of euthanasia on, May 12.

The question about the approval of euthanasia was a long-standing item in the Portuguese political agenda, a subject that divides opinions. In recent years, the Portuguese Parliament has approved four texts on the authorization of euthanasia, but all of them were vetoed.

In the last veto, which took place in April, President Marcelo Rebelo de Souza, a practicing Catholic and against the law, claimed that the text contained vague and imprecise explanations and requested a revision of the PL.

However, last Friday, the Portuguese MPs approved by absolute majority the same text without revision, which makes the promulgation of the law mandatory. There were 129 votes in favor and 81 against.

The result of the Portuguese Parliament overturns Marcelo Rebelo de Souza’s veto and forces the president to promulgate the law authorizing euthanasia within eight days.

According to the new law, medically assisted death can only occur through euthanasia, which is a procedure performed by doctors. This will only occur when assisted suicide, which is accompanied by health professionals but performed by the person himself, is not possible due to the patient’s physical incapacity.

The law also provides that people who decide to be euthanized must be over 18 years old, Portuguese or legally resident, and mentally capable of making the informed decision. The person must be diagnosed with an incurable disease, in a terminal phase, and with unbearable suffering and pain.

Currently euthanasia is only allowed in a few countries in the world, such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, Colombia, Canada, and New Zealand. (FM)

Compiled by Teresa Joseph

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