French cardinal joins in a nine months novena for France


Lyon – France (Friday, 14/11/2014, Gaudium Press) “, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon and Primate of France, officially joined “The Novena campaign a prayer which will not be done only in nine days, but in nine months, from November 15, 2014 to August 15, 2015. The cardinal said that to ask for the good of the nation is a commitment of all faithful. “Prayer is not a last resort, but the first duty of a Christian,” he told Famille Chrétienne magazine, recalling that France now faces new challenges: the defense of the family.

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Logo of the novena Photo:

Renewing the Christian vocation

The archbishop recalled that August 15 “has been for long a national holiday. Undoubtedly the Assumption strengthens our hope.”

The Cardinal invited the French people to acknowledge the great work that has been done over the centuries by many greatly venerated saints. He also urged to pray for the suffering, the sick and the many needs of families, for them to correspond to the will of God.

Among the intentions, Cardinal Barbarin mentioned particularly peace, justice and employment opportunities, as well as the concern for a good future for the younger generation: “For young people, may they receive the spiritual and cultural heritage to which they are entitled and the assistance of new generations of good educators” he said. “And if in the light of our past we can conclude that France has a ‘vocation’, may the Lord show us how to renew it today.”

People who join in the Novena through the website pledge to spend daily some time in prayer for the country (at least a decade of the Rosary is suggested), say every day the prayer especially composed for the novena, which is dedicated the Blessed Virgin Mary, or to offer the first Friday devotion for France (following the common practice of attending Mass and receiving communion in the state of grace). The organizers will keep all members informed of the different stages of the novena, such as prayers, pilgrimages, church activities and other events.

With information from Famille Chretienne,

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