Saint Dulce of the Poor Sanctuary Celebrates the Memory of its Patron Saint


It is the second year the Shrine celebrates the memory of Saint Dulce, canonized in October 2019.

Newsroom (August 16, 2021, 17:10 PM, Gaudium Press) For the second year, the Shrine of Saint Dulce of the Poor celebrated the memory of its patroness, canonized in October 2019. The Archbishop of Salvador and Primate of Brazil, Cardinal Sergio da Rocha, celebrated the 8:30 a.m. Mass.

In his homily, the Cardinal recalled that Saint Dulce took up the words of the liturgy “come, blessed of my Father. For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was sick, and you took care of me. It is the Good News, the joy of the Gospel that we must welcome and bear witness to.”

The testimony of Saint Dulce is very current.

According to Dom Sergio, by keeping this word, Saint Dulce could hear Our Lord Jesus Christ saying: “Come, you blessed of my Father, receive as your inheritance the Kingdom that my Father has prepared for you. We also want to have the grace to hear this from Jesus when we conclude our mission of this world.”

“The example of Saint Dulce is always important in any situation. But at this time of mourning, poverty, fragility, with even more reason, the testimony of Saint Dulce is extremely current. You can not celebrate the Saint of the poor without having in your heart the disposition that she had,” he said.

God help us to live as Saint Dulce did

The Primate of Brazil emphasized that the mission of Saint Dulce had as its source God’s love and faith. God loves first, and Saint Dulce also loved first those who could not return that love. ” It is not just any love; it is a love that is charity, that is service and compassion. Our world needs that love. If there were more love, the world would be a different place,” he explained.

Recalling those who, following the example of Saint Dulce, seek to live love and charity, Cardinal Sergio concluded that “the road to travel is long, the situations of suffering are immense. No matter how much we do, we still have a lot to do. To pray and help one another, to love and serve everyone, especially the neediest and weakest. God help us to live as Saint Dulce lived, to make our world a more fraternal, just, and peaceful place.” (EPC)

Compiled by Ena Alfaro

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