French Catholic Bishops on Paris terrorists attacks


Paris, France (Monday, 01/12/2015, Gaudium Press) The French Bishops have condemned the Paris attacks and calls for peace and fraternity.Text of the official statement of the French Catholic Bishops Conference follows:


The Church in France condemns (the attacks) and recalls the obligation of fraternity

“The French Catholic Bishops Conference wishes to express its profound emotion and horror provoked by the attack at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo.

At present, there are 12 people killed during an organized attack while several others who are still between life and death.

The Church in France directs its first thoughts to the families and friends of the victims who face horror and incomprehension. It also ensures the staff of Charlie Hebdo of our great sadness.

This is obviously unspeakable terror.

Nothing can justify such violence.

It affects the freedom of expression, a fundamental element of our society.

Our diverse society must continually work to build peace and fraternity. Barbarism as expressed in the killings hurts us all.

In this situation where anger can invade us, we need more than ever to redouble attention to fragile fraternity and to consolidate peace.

Mgrs. Olivier Ribadeau Dumas

Secretary-General of the French Catholic Bishops Conference and Spokesman”

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