Archbishop of Santiago de Chile launches Theological-Pastoral Week


    Santiago – Chile (Tuesday, July 19, 2016, Gaudium Press) As part of the initiatives related to the Year of Mercy, the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, His Excellency Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, has invited the clergy and the faithful to participate in the Theological Pastoral Week which will focus on “the Mercy of God”. Its aim is to deepen the commitment as missionary disciples of Christ.

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    The program starts on July 19 and will run until July 22. As in previous years, the conference will be held in two sessions in order to facilitate the participation of those who have busy schedules: one section is in the morning, from 09h15 to 12h30, addressed specially to priests, permanent deacons, Religious and Pastoral Teams, and the other one is in the evening, for the public in general, from 19h20 to 21h,  both in the same venue, the Cardinal Francisco Fresno Hall, in the Extension Center of the Catholic University, located in Alameda No. 390.

    Among the stands of the exhibitors is the one of Father Eduardo Perez Cotapo, which will focus on the subject of Mercy in the history of salvation, and the one of Father Samuel Fernandez, who will deal on the subject of Mercy seen by the Fathers of the Church, as well as the one of the Bishop of Copiapo, Celestino Aos Braco, on the theme of Mercy put into practice as well as the post-synodal apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis issued on March 19, 2016 “Amoris Laetitia”. (GPE / EPC)


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