The 6th Rosary for the Family takes place in Montevideo


    Montevideo, Uruguay (Tuesday, January 31, 2017, Gaudium Press) In front of the Port of El Buceo, in the capital of Uruguay, at the so called “Rambla del Buceo”, one of the city’s landmark, the 6th Rosary for the Family took place on the evening of Saturday, January 28. This public recitation Rosary started in 2012. 


    The event started as the sun began to set in the horizon. In attendance were many faithful, priest and the Auxiliary Bishop of Montevideo, Milton Luis Troccoli. A video message from the Archbishop of Montevideo, Cardinal Daniel Sturla, who was in Rome, was projected in a big screen, urging people to prayer and wishing that a Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be authorized to stand at that spot in the “Rambla del Buceo”.


    As the newspaper El Pais says: “The growing acceptance of this initiative, which brought together thousands of Uruguayans and even people from neighboring countries, such as Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, originated the idea of placing a statue of the Virgin Mary in the “Rambla del Buceo”, something not yet approved by the city authorities.”


    The rosary, as always, was entirely organized by lay people and had the support of priests and many members of religious orders. From 18:30 hours priests started to attend people in confession. Just after 19:00 hours the celebration of the Rosary began before more than 10,000 excited and happy people.
    During his speech, Bishop Tróccoli said: “May we meet here again in October with the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary already installed.” (AH Gaudium Press)

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