Egypt: Process of ‘legalization’ of Christian Churches Continues

egypy church

Between July and August of this year, the Egyptian government “legalized” more than 76 churches and annexed buildings.

Newsroom (August 25, 2021 11:05 AM Gaudium Press) It is a certificate of conformity regarding 27 Christian places of worship and 49 annexes, which were built without the required permits at the time.

This attestation was approved by the Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly, according to the findings of an ad hoc committee to carry out this amnesty of Christian places of worship and buildings attached to them.

That’s already 1,958 churches

This brings to 1,958 the number of churches and auxiliary service buildings that have been regularized since the beginning of this ‘legalization’ process.

This verification and regularization process began with the passage of the new law on construction and management of places of worship, ratified by the Egyptian Parliament on August 30, 2016. Indeed, the churches subject to scrutiny by the relevant government committee are mainly those built before this new law came into force.

It is because in recent decades many churches and chapels were built spontaneously in Egypt without all the required permits, and this fact was and is used as a pretext to justify and foster sectarian violence.

With information from Infocatolica.

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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