Vietnam’s La Vang Shrine Becomes Center of Faith and Marian Devotion

Vietnam's La Vang Shrine Becomes Center of Faith and Marian Devotion

In recent days, on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, the Sanctuary has welcomed more than 50 thousand faithful from inside and outside the country.

Newsroom (21/08/2022 5:57 PM,Gaudium Press)During 2022, the number of pilgrims visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of La Vang, located in Quang Tri Province, Archdiocese of Hue (Vietnam), has increased.

After facing two years of restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Marian Shrine has again received a large number of pilgrims. In recent days, on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, the Shrine has received more than 50 thousand faithful from inside and outside the country.

Mary, Example of Synodality

Every year, during the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Shrine celebrates the Mother of God in a special way. Pilgrims gather there to entrust their lives to the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask for her tender protection, as well as to give thanks for the graces received throughout the year. The central theme of this year’s feast was “Mary”, example of synodality.

According to Father Dominic Phan Hung, Our Lady was the first woman who wonderfully lived the process of synodality. “She was synodal with God’s plan, with the Church and with all humanity in all situations of her life. She gave an example of unshakeable Faith in the power of God.  Of unshakeable hope in the saving will of the Father.  The merits of her Son and the cooperation of Faith in the power of God; the Holy Spirit; and of fervent love for souls,” he stressed. Mary also “gave the example of praying diligently to discover God’s will, contemplating the life of her Only Begotten Son and meditating on the Word, the works and the sufferings he endured.”

Mary is a Humble Instrument of God

Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Chi Linh, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hue and President of the Vietnamese Bishops’ Conference, invited the pilgrims to “direct their hearts to the Mother of La Vang to unite with hers. Mary is a humble instrument of God and through her God wanted to realize his purpose of synodality. This is why Our Lady accompanies and helps her children, because she is a companion of God and of all of us. Her presence is loving towards her children, protecting each one of us. It is a grace to be with Her”. (EPC)

Compiled by Florence MacDonald


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