The Power of Mediation


The Liturgy underlines a very important and sometimes forgotten or misunderstood principle: that of mediation.

Newsroom (3/10/2021 1:58 PM, Gaudium Press) During the passage of the chosen people through the desert, God granted some elders a share in the spirit that Moses possessed (Cf. Num 11:25). Meanwhile, to two other men, Eldad and Medad, although not close to those listed by Moses, meeting in the camp, He also gave them this same gift, that of prophesying.

Upon being informed of this, Moses rejoiced, letting them continue their God-given ministry (cf. Num 11:26-29).

In the Gospel, we come across a similar situation. A man performing miracles in the name of Jesus without belonging to the Apostolic College. When St. John tells Our Lord about the case, the Divine Master, far from forbidding him to continue with the miracles, encourages him, and affirms: “He who is not against us is for us” (Mk 9:10).

Woe to those who abuse the name of God…

The principle that today’s Liturgy wants to emphasize is that of mediation. Christ came to earth to serve as mediator between God and men. Thus, all who act according to his true doctrine and invoke his mediation work for the building of his Kingdom here on earth. Therefore, He stands as a necessary means to do every good work.

There is, however, another truth contained in this Gospel. A threat to those who use Jesus’ name to go against his decrees.

If one of the Apostles were to start preaching and spreading wrong doctrines, but presenting himself as true, arguing as a prerogative that he is a follower of the Master, it would be a real horror!

Would he not be making his “position” with the Divine Master, which had been granted to him to serve others, an instrument to destroy the still-nascent Church?

Moreover, would he not be sowing disapproval and confusion within the Mystical Body of Christ?

Let us ask for light to discern where are those who use the name of Our Lord to do what He has commanded, lest we receive the rebuke that appears in the second reading: “You condemned the just and killed him” (James 5:6).

We should, therefore, pray for the gift of discernment to recognize the mercenaries of the world, who use the staff not to feed, but to drive away and divide the flock of Christ.

By Jerome Sequeira Vaz
Compiled by Camille Mittermeier

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