The Benefits of Sacramental Confession


Today, in contrast to ancient times when men were obliged to offer sacrifices to God for the forgiveness of sins – for example, the immolation of lambs or goats – the Church offers us a Sacrament by which, with repentance, the reduction of faults, and the firm resolution to sin no more, we are forgiven.

Newsroom (11/05/2022 14:00, Gaudium Press) “To make more rapid progress along the path of virtue, we earnestly recommend the pious use, introduced by the Church and not without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, of frequent Confession, which increases self-knowledge, develops Christian humility, uproots perversion of morals, combats negligence and spiritual lukewarmness; purifies the conscience, fortifies the will, lends itself to the salutary guidance of souls and, by the power of the Sacrament itself, increases grace.

Cf. Pius XII. Encyclical Letter “Mystici Corporis Christi”, 29 June 1943.

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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