Sisters of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Institute Open House at Mount Tabor shrine

Basilica of the Transfiguration of Jesus - Mount Tabor, Israel. Credit: Gustavo Kralj/Gaudiumpress Images

On July 15, the House of the Carmelite Sisters of the Institute of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was officially inaugurated on the grounds of the Mount Tabor shrine.

Newsroom (23/07/2024 15:47, Gaudium Press) The Custody of the Holy Land has announced the opening of the residence of the Carmelite Sisters of the Institute of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, located on the grounds of the Mount Tabor shrine.

The religious will occupy a building that was managed by the “Mondo X” community until last June 2021. The Custody arranged the renovation to invite a spiritual community that could help the friars in their service. Once the renovation work was completed, the Franciscan community welcomed the Carmelite Sisters on June 16. The official inauguration took place on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. On the afternoon of July 15, after the celebration of Solemn First Vespers in the internal chapel of the Franciscan convent, the friars and sisters went in procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the sisters’ chapel for a moment of prayer and adoration. This was followed by the blessing of the new house.

The following day, the Franciscans and the sisters took part in the celebrations on Mount Carmel. On the evening of July 16, the guardian of the Franciscan community, Friar Riccardo Bustos, presided at Second Vespers and greeted the sisters, reminding them that “like Peter, James, and John, you have been called to this Holy Mount to allow yourselves to be transfigured by the living Presence of the Lord, contemplating his luminous face every day in prayer and humble and silent service, so that you can offer him to all those who seek faith in this Sacred Place”.

Compiled by Dominic Joseph

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