Quebec Cardinal Suspends Collective Christmas and New Year Celebrations

Quebec Cardinal Suspends Collective Christmas and New Year Celebrations

All liturgical celebrations are suspended, except for funerals. The Archdiocese invites the faithful to follow the masses online. 

Newsroom (23/12/2021 7:29 PM, Gaudium Press) In a note published yesterday on the website of the Église Catholique de Québec, the Archdiocese communicates that it “suspends collective celebrations in its territory, from midnight on December 23 until January 10, 2022.”

The site quotes Cardinal Gérald C. Lacroix, coments: “I am aware that it will be very disappointing not to gather in church this year for Christmas and New Year celebrations; but I consider our duty to participate in the collective effort to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further.”

Individual visits to churches will be allowed on these days, following health requirements. All liturgical celebrations are suspended, except for funerals. The Archdiocese invites the faithful to follow the masses online.

Quebec Province & Vaccine Passports

The Quebec government has required the presentation of a so-called “vaccine passport” to enter churches and has restricted their ability to receive the faithful. Still, it has not demanded the suspension of collective celebrations.

Bishop Guy Desrochers of Pembroke, Ontario, criticized the state measures in a letter to the Quebec government against the imposition of the vaccine mandate on churches. “We are treated more harshly than supermarkets and many other businesses, but at one point, we were recognized as ‘essential’ to the welfare of the public, especially the faithful,” wrote Bishop Desrochers.

Further criticism

The current restrictions in Canada came under criticism from broad sectors claiming that the Omicron variant, although quite transmissible, does not pose a health risk because of its very mild symptoms.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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