Cardinal Pietro Parolin is the Vatican’s first Secretary of State to celebrate Mass in the Principality of Monaco

cardinal parolin

Cardinal Parolin celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate. In his homily, he called for unity among the various social groups.

Newsdesk (July 22, 7:01 PM, Gaudium Press) – Cardinal Pietro Parolin recently became the Vatican’s first Secretary of State to celebrate Mass in the Principality of Monaco. The reason for his July 17-19 visit to the tiny city-state on the French Riviera near the Italian border was to mark the 40th anniversary of a special convention between the Holy See and the Principality. Monaco is officially a Catholic country.

Cardinal Parolin celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate. In his homily, he called for unity among the various social groups. Cardinal Parolin followed the liturgical readings of the day and defined the role of a good shepherd from the words of the prophet Jeremiah: for him, the good shepherd unites.

Monaco: ‘the deep roots of the Christian faith”

Cardinal Parolin said, “the deep roots of the Christian faith in this land, as well as its attachment to the See of Peter,” was at heart the privileged bilateral relations between the two entities. With a population of approximately 38,000 people, Monaco is the second smallest city only to Vatican City — but just as Catholic.

Mgr. Guillaume Paris, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Monaco, told La Croix’s Jeanne Leblay that Cardinal Parolin’s visit highlighted the peaceful nature of Monaco’s relationship with the Holy See.

Mgr. Guillaume Paris stated that “Monaco is unique in that Catholicism is the State religion. However, although the Catholic faith has been official for a long time, the agreements between this small European State and the Holy See have fluctuated throughout history. From 1887, the relationship was governed by the papal bull Quemadmodum, which erected the Principality of Monaco as a diocese. In 1981, a new text was added to the papal bull. Previously, the prince had the right to present three names to the pope for the appointment of a new bishop. After 1981, the pope appointed the bishop since the prince had renounced this right. In exchange, the diocese of Monaco became an archdiocese, an honorary title.”

“The Church and the State – he continued, have a healthy and just collaboration in Monaco. This unfolds in respect to the autonomy of the temporal and spiritual spheres, but without forgetting that religion cannot think of itself as separate from society. On the contrary, it participates in it. Given the confessional nature of the State, the latter can place itself at the service of the Church. Thus, the State participates in maintaining the Church and its activity, by remunerating priests and financing parishes, for example. Monaco’s religious instruction is also compulsory, both in the public education system and in the private system. The Grimaldis [the ruling monarchy] also have an eloquent motto: “Deo Juvante” -“with God’s help.” This relationship between Church and State, resulting from centuries of history, is, therefore, both stable and peaceful.

(With Files from La Croix)

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