Cardinal Damasceno lays the foundation stone of a Shrine dedicated to Friar Galvão


According to the Cardinal, the idea of building a shrine dedicated to the first Brazilian saint came up after his canonization in 2007.

Newsdesk (June 9, 2021, 11:28, Last Saturday morning, June 5, the Archbishop Emeritus of Aparecida, Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, celebrated a Holy Mass followed by the blessing of the grounds where the new Shrine dedicated to Frei Galvão will be built.

Among those present were the rector of the Shrine, Friar Diego Melo; the Provincial Minister, Friar César Külkamp; the Diocesan Bishop of Osasco, Dom João Bosco; the vice-president of Canção Nova, Father Wagner Ferreira da Silva; the rector of the National Shrine, Father Carlos Eduardo Catalfo. Other priests, sisters, seminarians, and faithful were also present.


Historical background of the creation of the Shrine dedicated to Friar Galvão

Cardinal Damasceno expressed his joy for returning to Guaratinguetá, a region he visited many times as Archbishop of Aparecida between 2004 and 2016. He emphasized that it was a historic day for the Archdiocese of Aparecida and the city of Guaratinguetá. The Sanctuary’s construction “dedicated to a son of this land, the first Brazilian to be declared a Saint” began.

He then explained that the idea of creating a shrine dedicated to Friar Galvão emerged after his canonization in 2007. On December 8, 2010, the Archdiocese of Aparecida decided to build a shrine in honor of the saint. The Church in Jardim do Vale, devoted to São José and Frei Galvão, is now dedicated to the second patron saint, as a way to “honor the first Brazilian saint, the most illustrious son of Guaratinguetá. It is a way to perpetuate his memory and spread his cult.

The most awaited moment of the ceremony was the laying of the cornerstone, considered a historical milestone of the beginning of the construction of the new Shrine. The event had the symbolic act of planting 20 tree seedlings, watered with water collected from the springs and blessed by Cardinal Damasceno.


Project for the New Shrine of Frei Galvão

The Guaratinguetá City Hall approved, on June 14, 2018, the project of the new Frei Galvão Sanctuary, which considers a construction area of 52,016.42 thousand m². In this space will be the Church with capacity for 3 thousand worshipers, the devotional Chapels (of the Blessed Sacrament, of Saint Joseph and Confessions), the Celebrations Square, with enough space for 10 thousand persons, the Monument of Friar Galvão (28 meters high), the Belvedere that will be able to receive up to 70 faithful, the Memorial and Culture Center (with auditorium, exhibitions, and bookstore), parking lots and administrative area. (EPC)

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According to the Cardinal, the idea of building a shrine dedicated to the first Brazilian saint came up after his canonization in 2007.
The post Cardinal Damasceno laid the cornerstone of the Shrine dedicated to Friar Galvão appeared first on Gaudium Press. Read More Brazil, Archbishop Emeritus of Aparecida, Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, friar galvão, Guaratinguetá, Santo Antônio de Sant’Ana Galvão, friar galvão shrine, Shrine dedicated to Friar Galvão Gaudium Press

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