Bishop of Vietnam: in the face of adversity, look at Saint Joseph.


The best way to face the difficulties of the coronavirus pandemic: praying to Saint Joseph and receiving the Sacraments.

Newsdesk (July 7, 2020 11:20 Gaudium Press) Facing the challenges brought by the coronavirus pandemic to Vietnam, the president of the Vietnamese Episcopal Conference, Bishop Joseph Nguyên Chi Linh,advised the country’s faithful to increase their devotion to Saint Joseph. “Let us follow the example of Saint Joseph. Trusting God, he received the strength of the Holy Spirit to better defend his family in adversity”, He added, addressing  priests and faithful gathered at the Cathedral of Phu Cam, in North Vietnam.
In his homily, he also focused on the importance of regularly approaching the sacraments to receive the graces of God, in addition to adequate spiritual comfort. The advice of Bishop Joseph Nguyên Chi Linh took place during the Eucharistic celebration he presided on July 1, celebrating the 170th anniversary of the founding of the Archdiocese of Huê, in Vietnam.

Devotion to Saint Joseph and the pandemic in Vietnam
Bishop Nguyên Chi Linh pointed at Saint Joseph as an example to better face the coronavirus pandemic presently punishing the country. The president of the Episcopal Conference of Vietnam affirmed that the health emergency in Covid-19 caused a serious social and economic crisis throughout the Asian country, with repercussions in the religious field. The Prelate cited government data showing around 8 million Vietnamese unemployed or on reduced hours: almost 17.6 million citizens have suffered wage losses due to quarantine.
Archdiocese of Huê: its origins
The origins of the Archdiocese of Huê date back to the end of the 19th century. On August 27, 1850, the Apostolic Vicariate of North Cochinchina was erected following the partition of the Apostolic Vicariate of East Cochinchina, presently the Diocese of Quy Nhơn. On December 3, 1924, the Apostolic Vicariate of Huê was established by the Congregation for the Evangelization of People.  Later,  on November 24, 1960, it was elevated to Metropolitan Archdiocese by Pope John XXIII with the Bull Venerabilium Nostrorum. (JSG)

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