Archbishop of Prague: Cardinal Marx and Bishop Batzing Want to Attack Ratzinger Legacy


“A faith rooted in truth. Karol Wojtyla and Joseph Ratzinger are two great personalities of the Church, as were Achille Ratti and Eugenio Pacelli in the 20th century,” stressed the Czech prelate.

Newsroom (22/04/2022 11:00 AM, Gaudium Press) In his response to the more than 70 bishops who criticized the deviation of the German synodal path and warned of a schism that would be generated there, Bishop Batzing stated that the synodal path was a response to the sexual abuse crisis in Germany. And he regretted that the critical bishops did not know that.

Conversely, Cardinal Dominik Duka, Archbishop of Prague, denounces a stream of German bishops who use sexual abuse as an excuse to achieve “political” goals within the Church and attack Benedict XVI.

“Yes, Arch. Georg Gänswein is right: there is a tendency in Germany to want to attack Joseph Ratzinger. The attacks against him by Cardinal Reinhard Marx and Bishop Georg Bätzing are not right,” the cardinal said in an interview with La Nuova Bussola Cotidiana.

“Ratzinger and Wojtyla were a great gift from God”

With his repeated warnings about the dictatorship of relativism, Benedict XVI has done great good, for example, to a heavily secularized country like the Czech Republic. Cardinal Duka noted that Benedict was not only a great theologian but a model of a man of faith.

The cardinal pointed out that Benedict XVI became friends with Vaclav Havel, the first president after the fall of the communist regime in then Czechoslovakia. They shared the same ideals of freedom.

“A faith rooted in truth. Karol Wojtyla and Joseph Ratzinger are two great personalities of the Church, as were Achille Ratti and Eugenio Pacelli in the 20th century,” stressed the Czech prelate. And he added: “Ratzinger and Wojtyla were a great gift of God for Central Europe: two popes so close to our history and culture. John Paul II was a liberator of Central Europe from the communist dictatorship. Benedict XVI was also a gift because he understood our situation very well, having lived the hard experience of the Nazi dictatorship.”

With files from Infocatólica

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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