Pope Francis at Angelus: prayers for Latin America trip


The Vatican (Monday, 06-29-2015, Gaudium Press) Pope Francis on Monday asked prayers for his upcoming voyage to Ecuador, Bolivia, and Paraguay, scheduled for the coming 5th to the 13th of July. In remarks to the gathered faithful in St. Peter’s Square following the Angelus prayer after Mass to mark the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, patrons of the city of Rome, the Holy Father said, “I ask you all to accompany me with prayer, that the Lord will bless my journey on the continent of Latin America so dear to me, as you can imagine.”

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Pope Francis went on to say, “I express to the dear peoples of Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay my joy at being in their homelands, and I ask you, in a particular way, to pray for me and for this trip, that the Virgin Mary might give us the gift of accompanying all of us with her maternal protection.”

Source Vatican Radio

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