12 Reasons to Increase your Mass Attendance


St. Leonard of Port Maurice is a great devotee of the Holy Mass.

Newsroom (28/11/2021 5:15 PM, Gaudium Press) St. Leonard of Port Maurice was established by Pope Pius XI as Patron Saint  of priests serving as missionaries anywhere in the world.

A great devotee of the Holy Mass, Saint Leonard of Port Maurice left numerous sermons and writings dealing with the value of the Eucharistic Celebration. Next, we share some phrases of this holy missionary priest about the power of the Mass:

01 – At the hour of death, the Holy Masses we have heard devoutly will be our greatest consolation.

02 – Each Mass will go with us to Judgment and will beg for forgiveness for us.

03 – Our attendance to Mass diminishes the temporal punishment due to our sins, according to our fervour.

04 – A single Mass heard during our lifetime has greater benefit than many Masses celebrated for us after our death.

05 – In the Holy Mass, God forgives all venial sins if we are determined to avoid them.

06 – At Mass, God forgives our unknown (forgotten) sins, which we have never confessed.

07 – Through the Holy Sacrifice, Our Lord Jesus Christ makes reparation for many of our negligences and omissions.

08 – By attending Holy Mass, we offer the Souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.

09 – We shorten our Purgatory at each Mass we attend, and Satan’s power over us is diminished.

10 – During Holy Mass, we kneel among a multitude of Holy Angels, present at the Adorable Sacrifice with reverent awe.

11 – Through Holy Mass, we are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes, which would otherwise fall upon us.

12 – By devoutly attending Holy Mass, we render the greatest possible homage to the Holy Humanity of Our Lord.

Prayer to Saint Leonard of Port Maurice

Almighty and merciful God, who made Saint Leonard an outstanding herald of the mystery of the cross, grant, by his intercession, that, acknowledging on earth the riches of the same cross, we may be worthy to attain the fruit of redemption in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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